Fractions in The Kitchen
Choose a recipe from home; notice the fractions used in the recipe. Formulate fraction questions; and calculate the questions. Then go ahead and have an baking extravaganza in your school’s kitchen, or at home. Here is a sample:
Potato Tea Buns
This classroom kitchen recipe was a combination of Tea Buns from the Telephone Pioneers oF AmerIca, Ch. 49; Nova ScoTIa; WhaT Am I Gonna Cook? RecIpe of PaT Brooks; HunT’s PoInT, NS; with some of our personal add-ons such as Brown sugar
1 Pckg Dry YeasT
1/4 cup waTer Mixed wITh 1 Tsp Sugar sIc. We prefer Brown; HealThIer)
1/2 Cup Mashed PoTaToes
1/4 Cup BuTTer (sIc. PaT says ShorTenIng or MargarIne; We prefer Real BuTTer)
1/4 cup Sugar (sIc. We prefer Brown; or a bIT of Molasses, Though The rolls would be a dIfferenT Color.
1 & 1/2 Tsp SaLT
1 Cup Milk (sIc. Almond Milk)
1 Egg (We prefer a dollap of Flax Gel, made by parboIlIng 1 Tbls Flax Seeds In 1 Cup of waTer for 10-12 mInuTes)
4 Cups WhITe Flour
CombIne WaTer and 1 Tsp Sugar and YeasT
LeT sTand For 10 mInuTes
In a saucepan, combIne Milk, PoZTaToes, BuTTer, SaLT and Sugar;
heaT unTIl BuTTer has MelTed
Add yeasT mIxTure To Flax Gel In a Large BowL
STIr In boTh Cups of WaTer and BeaT well
Add RemaInIng Flour
Place In a Warm spoT for 1 Hour unTIl double
Cover wITh Damp CloTh; Leave For 1 Hr To RIse
Bake aT 400 degrees For 10-12 MInuTes
Lovely wITh a bIT of buTTer and chowder
The MaTh
Altogether, How many cups of Ingredients are does this recipe make?
1/4 cup waTer 1/4
1/2 Cup Mashed PoTaToes 1/2
1/4 Cup BuTTer (sIc. PaT 1/4
1/4 cup Brown Sugar 1/4
1 Cup Milk (sIc. Almond Milk) 1
4 Cups WhITe Flour 4
1 & 1/2 Tsp SaLT
Answer: 6 and 1/4 cups of Ingredients; and 1 and 1/2 Tsp
Question: How many Teaspoons of Ingredients are in a cup? If we really want to add the small still, we would have to calculate that from a chart, or physically fill up a cup of salt, one tsp at a time.
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