Video — Methods for Teaching Multiplication
Factivation — Teaching Multiplication
The profession of teaching is all about constantly responding to new challenges. As students evolve in the face of all the new technologies they are subjected to everyday, their demands change. What was once the leading edge in teaching can become passé quickly but one of the constants in the elementary school teaching ranks has always been the worksheet. These are invaluable tools for the elementary school teacher, and in changing times this useful tool has gone pretty much unchanged in its importance. And since mathematics continues as one of the most important subjects for elementary school children to grasp, the fundamentals of the elementary math worksheet and the thought processes behind them deserve a thorough look.
Teaching multiplication usually involves students reciting their times facts in a sing-song voice, whether it is one set or multiple sets at a time. Multiplication worksheets are common, and students fill in a new row and column at the beginning of each new set. While both of these methods are effective at teaching students basic multiplication, they have the drawback of causing students to mentally run through tables or silently recite the facts when trying to come up with the answer for a test. By adding creative methods of teaching multiplication, teachers can help students become more adept at recalling multiplication facts.