Fractions Times Tables Decimals
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Using Manipulatives to Teach Decimals

January 23rd, 2008

Manipulatives are games and hands-on activities that get the student’s senses involved in the learning process. Ideally, manipulatives will aid in the learning process for auditory, visual and rote learners. Students are able to listen, look, repeat, and actively participate in the learning process.


Teaching Elementary Math and Having Fun

January 2nd, 2008

Ways to Make Math Fun Again

Throughout the years, concepts introduced in elementary math have seen few changes. This can sometimes make teaching elementary math to young eager minds hard. Now if you toss in different ways to learn elementary math than you have another type of ball game. Students love games and what better way to learn elementary math than to give them a game with a twist to it. Let us look at some of the exciting ways that elementary math can be taught in a game form.


Using Games to Teach Math

December 14th, 2007

For many students, math is a dreaded subject. Basic facts must be learned before moving on to basic applications, and each level of applications builds on the level before it. All of the facts and formulas become tedious and time-consuming, leading students to avoid the subject whenever possible. Using games to teach math can help students learn in several ways.


Elementary Math Lesson Plan- What to Look For

November 28th, 2007

Getting Started On a Elementary Math Lesson Plan


Math Learning Center

November 14th, 2007

Math Learning Centers

Math learning centers, sometimes called stations, are an excellent resource for teachers. Math learning centers break up the normal routine by allowing students to rotate through different stations. They also make the best of limited resources, allowing more students access to those resources. Math learning centers can also be used to help meet diverse needs of students in the classroom through careful planning of which students visit each type of station.


Math for the Elementary Teacher - Simple Fractions

November 9th, 2007

Getting Your Point Across

Math for the elementary teacher will involve many different things. Probably one of the things that kids struggle with the most is simple fractions. Teaching simple fractions will take extra time as many students have a very hard time grasping the concept of working with fractions. Math for the elementary teacher can involve finding the simplest way to approach these problems and helping the student in getting them solved as quickly as possible. Simple fractions for many individuals may seem like a very easy concept, but to others it is a nightmare. Here are some easy to use tips in helping the math for the elementary teacher to engage their students:


Elementary Math Games

October 26th, 2007

Keeping a student’s attention in the classroom is sometimes hard and one way teachers are accomplishing this by using elementary math game. These elementary math games can be accomplished in many different ways and usually with great success. As teachers and students learn together, they end up creating more of these elementary math games themselves. Some of the games which teachers and students enjoy the most include:


Manipulatives for Teaching Times Tables

October 22nd, 2007

Times tables are the basic facts involved in every multiplication problem, regardless of how many digits are in each number. Knowing those tables not only aids in multiplication, but also it helps make division an easier process. Of course, the trick for most teachers is finding ways to help the students actually learn those tables. Grouping


Creative Ideas for Teaching Fractions

October 15th, 2007

Fractions are not always an easy subject for children to learn, and they are not any easier for teachers to teach. Fractions can be a difficult concept, and the student who does not learn the basics will have great difficulty mastering concepts that are more advanced. An easy way for teachers to help students learn fractions is to make the lessons fun.

Food Fractions

One way of teaching fractions that will get a child’s attention is to use food and kitchen items. These are familiar items for the child, so it puts fractions into terms they can easily understand.

Measuring cups come in a whole and fractions of a whole. Students can use the smaller cups to scoop beans or beads and pour them into the 1-cup measuring cup. This allows them to see, for example, that four 1/4 measuring cups equals 1 cup. They can also see how fractions relate to each other by pouring 1/4 cups into 1/2 cups or pouring 1/8 cups into 1/2 cups.

Many brands of chocolate bars are scored to make easily breakable sections. Give students chocolate bars, and have them count the number of sections. Explain that there are, for example, sixteen sections in one chocolate bar so one section is equal to one-sixteenth. You can take this further by telling them you want to break it into two equal pieces, and then asking how many sections would need to be in each piece. This leads to one-half of 16 being 8. Students can continue dividing the candy bar for one-fourth and one-eighth.

Other Ideas

Food items may not always be practical, but there are other creative ways to teach fractions.

Give students strips of construction paper that are the same length. Have them glue one strip to a sheet of poster board or a larger sheet of construction paper. Have them fold a strip in half and glue this next to the first strip. Do this with thirds, fourths, fifths, etc., and have students discuss things how many sections there are for each folded strip. By gluing them side-by-side, students will be able to see how two halves or three thirds are the same size as one whole.

This can also be used to help students understand the basics of multiplying fractions. For example, to make fourths, students fold the strip in half, and then fold each half into half. One-half of one-half is one-fourth.

Use words and word puzzles to help students grasp fractions. Create a sentence or two that students have to decode. Another idea is to have students decode clues for a crossword puzzle, with the decoded word being the answer that goes into the puzzle. For example, for the word “one,” the clue to decode it could be “the first one-third of our + the second half of done.”

Use alternate names to explain how fractions work. For example, you could explain to students that one strawberry is written as 1/strawberry. Then students can add strawberries, as in 2/strawberries + 3/strawberries = 5/strawberries. This helps emphasize the denominator, and how the denominator does not change when fractions are added.

Going a step farther, you could explain that 2/strawberries cannot be added to 3/blueberries because strawberries and blueberries are different. To add them, you have to use a common denominator, like berries, which gives you 2/berries + 3/berries = 5 berries. As students grasp the berries idea, you can change it to numbers. If they start getting confused, simply say 2/berries + 3/berries instead of 2/9 + 3/9. Once they add the numerator, ask for the denominator, saying, “Now we have 5/berries, but instead of berries, we are using…” and point to the nine.

This is, by no means, a complete list of creative methods for teaching fractions. Regardless of the grade level, there are many techniques to help students grasp the concept of fractions. By taking the time to make instruction creative, and to put concepts into terms that are easily understood, teachers can turn fractions into fun.

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Creative Ideas for Teaching Decimals

October 15th, 2007

Despite their simplicity, decimals can cause headaches for teachers and students alike. Students have difficulty understanding why they should learn decimals, and even more trouble with remembering their decimal points. Teachers grow frustrated trying to teach what should be a relatively easy concept, and that frustration increases in direct proportion to the difficulties their students are having. One easy way to avoid the frustration and headaches is to use creative methods for teaching decimals.


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